Description paintings Konstantin Korovin “At the dacha”

Description paintings Konstantin Korovin At the dacha

Korovin, performing an oil painting on canvas entitled “At the Dacha”, managed to fulfill all his attitude to the world around him as well as possible. The artist was able to convey to the viewer a very high quality, through his picture of the unique daily existence, he could convey, seemingly at first glance, a typical, everyday picture, which, by its very appearance, speaks of the essence of the artist himself.

It is also worth noting that only a truly professional artist with outstanding insights into the essence, and not just transferring what he saw onto the canvas, was able to cope with such a difficult task. It is also necessary to add that the canvas has great energy, and the master shows the beauty of Russian nature and puts it on the first step in his art.

Thus, a completely ordinary and everyday motive, grow into something extraordinary. So the viewer sees an ordinary woman who washes her hands on the threshold of her room in a country house. But the whole problem is that this is not the fixed center of the picture that the artist is trying to emphasize in front of the viewer.

The master places the accent precisely on the awakening of nature, after a night’s sleep, on filling the whole visible space with the morning air, thanks to which all the plants in the garden begin to awake, which is hidden on the other side of the doorway. The use of silver tones by the master is especially gentle and light at the moment.

Thanks to this shade, the artist also transmits rays from the sun, which slowly penetrate the room, filling and illuminating everything around them, including the figure of a woman. Thus, the artist as if merges together a woman and a green garden, placing an equal sign between them and at the same time extolling them.

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Description paintings Konstantin Korovin “At the dacha”