Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Over eternal rest”

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan Over eternal rest

The painting of Isaac Levitan “Over Eternal Peace” is one of the pearls of the artist’s work. Art critics refer this work to the trilogy of his paintings, believing that the first one is the painting “At the Whirlpool”, the second is “Vladimirka”, and the third is “Above Eternal Peace”.

The picture was painted from life, which was an old wooden church near Vyshny Volochyok (a small town in the Tver province).

The art canvas depicts the high bank of the lake, a huge beautiful sky at sunset with pale lilac clouds and a small wooden church, standing alone on the shore. Next to the church is an old cemetery with wooden crosses sagging from time to time.

The spectator feels like the whole harsh beauty of Russian nature, the coldness of its winds, the power of the rivers and the immense distance of the fields.

And in this simple plot lies the deep philosophy

of life and death, the foundations of the Russian national spirit. These are thoughts about God, about life and about man, his place in the world, about memory and about the future. The image of a small wooden church is the image of a person himself, who on earth is seeking the truth of God, striving for light, for life, for love, but often not finding them. This is a picture of hope, of the transience of life, that each of us feels his connection with something majestic and grandiose, whose name for us is found more in terms of religious than material.

In the picture there is a place and a sense of subtle melancholy, loneliness, but at the same time there is much faith in it, faith in the future heavenly joy. There are also feelings of peace and greatness of the world created by the Creator.

But those beautiful landscapes of Levitan, that every viewer can see in his paintings something of their own. But they do not leave anyone indifferent, just as his homeland cannot leave a person indifferent – quiet, majestic and beautiful.

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Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Over eternal rest”