Description of the painting by Marc Chagall “Bible story”

Marc Chagall, was one of the most prolific artists of the twentieth century, whose bright, bizarre works from the time they fell into the rank of cult and put his name in line with

Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Adoration of the Magi”

This picture is one of the most popular works of the French artist Nicola Poussin. Such a religious plot was duplicated many times by other artists, since biblical stories are fanned with a halo

Description of the painting by Francesco Parmigianino “Anthea”

The famous portrait of a young beauty, who bears the name “Anthea” for many centuries, does not give an answer to the most important question: what kind of girl is depicted in the painting

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Autumn. Fog”

Isaac Levitan was born in 1860 and was one of the significant landscape painters of the XIX century. He did not chase the bright colors and spectacular views. Everything was simple and clear. Each

Description of the sculpture by Michelangelo “Morning”

This high-class work is one of the four marble sculptures of the Medici Chapel, placed on the tomb of Lorenzo II of the Duke of Urbina. The height of the marble statue is 155

Description of the painting by Camille Pissarro “Boulevard of Montmartre”

In the winter of 1897, Camille Pissarro arrives in Paris to look for inspiration and storylines for a new series of paintings in Paris Avenue. Having settled in a hotel room, he turned his

Description of the painting by Franz Mark “Elephant”

Mark Franz is from Germany, a painter, preferred to paint in expressionism style. In order to depict animals as accurately and completely as possible – specifically studied the anatomy of animals. This allowed him

Description of the painting by Jean Honore Fragonard “Kiss furtively”

Fragonard really loved to dream. His creative temperament is truly tremendous. Before us is a typical painting for a painter. In it you can feel the contradictions that miraculously coexisted in the works of

Description of the painting by Michelangelo “Noah’s Drunkenness”

The first from the entrance to the chapel we will see the composition “Noah’s intoxication”. When Michelangelo worked on the Sistine Chapel, he neglected the sequence. This composition was to go immediately after the

Description of the painting by Andrei Ryabushkin “Go!”

Andrei Ryabushkin was a famous Russian artist of the late XIX century. But he gained fame not only because of the special manner of writing. Ryabushkin was a famous historian. And especially he was
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