Description of the painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi “Step”

Arkhip Kuindzhi is not a simple painter. This is an amazing, kissed by God, artist who owned such a fantastic craft how to work correctly with color, light on the canvas. The magic of

Description of the painting by Gregory Myasoedova “Wringing”

The master of painting and graphics, Grigory Myasoedov, presented to admirers of his talent the famous work of art “Withering” in 1876. A unique picture painted in oil on canvas. It is a reproduction

Description paintings by Ivan Kramskogo “Contemplator”

In 1870 – 1880, the artist wrote a whole series of paintings, in which he depicted with extraordinary skill absolutely ordinary people (peasants) who live their own lives, full of special emotions. A peasant

Description of the painting by Henri Matisse “Woman in the hat”

In 1905, Henri Matisse rejected the usual mixture of colors and decided to use classic shades in his works. This policy was very different from the usual techniques of past eras. Needless to say,

Description of the painting by Nicolas Poussin “Dance to the music of time”

French artist Poussin often turned to the themes of mythology. In Rome, an outstanding work was written with the philosophical title “Dance to the Music of Time”. The approximate time of creation of the

Description of the painting by Gustav Klimt “Love”

From the beginning of the 90s a new period began in the work of Gustav Klimt. At this time, the artist felt a keen desire to go beyond the academic traditions, despite his popularity

Description of the painting by Maya Kopytseva “Summer day. The lilac is blooming

Maya Kuzminichna Kopyptseva was born in the city of Gagra, but in two years she moved with her parents to Leningrad. She survived the blockade in Samarkand, and after the war ended she entered

Description of the painting by Mikhail Nesterov “Silence”

1903 – the year of writing “Silence”. The year when Nesterov, who had long sought inspiration and images for a new picture, which was to be called “Holy Russia,” finally found what he was

Description of the painting by Vladimir Makovsky “Kiss rite”

In ancient times, Russia had a large number of rites and traditions that carried a deep meaning for the people of that time, passed down from generation to generation and were strictly observed by

Description of the painting by Henry Fussli “Nightmare”

“Nightmare” is a famous painting by the master of horrors, the artist who anticipated the art of his time, Henry Fussley. Gloomy and grotesque, it frightened and caused a storm of reactions from the
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