Yaroshenko Nikolay

Description of the painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko “Student”

In addition to the “Kursistki” famous work of the former major general, after choosing the craft of the artist, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko is the work “Student”. Nikolay Aleksandrovich, despite his origin, did not shy

Description of the painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko “A student

“The girl student” is one of the responses of Yaroshenko, who is always sensitive to popular unrest, to the next change in the usual way of life. Responding to the people’s grief about those

Description of the painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko “Everywhere life”

Yaroshenko – Russian peredvizhnik artist, extremely versatile personality. He gave preference to portraits and plot scenes (as rules from the life of the peasantry, with the so-called “people’s melancholy”), worked in the style of

Description of the painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko “The stoker”

“Fireman” Yaroshenko was one of the first pictures, telling about the difficult fate of the Russian people. She, along with others devoted to the same topic, created the image of a proletarian, a worker