Holbein Hans
Description of the painting by Hans Holbein “Self-portrait”
The artist creates a small self-portrait. In doing so, he uses mean means. It is to them, he resorts in his work more and more often. Traditionally, Holbein portrayed his models on an absolutely
Description of the painting by Hans Holbein the Younger “Erasmus of Rotterdam”
Hans Holbein the Younger – German painter of the Northern Renaissance. One of the first artists who focused on secular, not religious subjects. So, Holbein won the audience not only in his homeland, but
Description of the painting by Hans Holbein “Dead Christ”
Holbein – one of the greatest German artists. He lived in the 16th century, was not rich, did not disdain handicraft work, most often wrote on religious or mythological themes. It is characterized by
Description of the painting by Hans Holbein “Ambassadors”
Holbein is one of the greatest German artists who created his own style in painting, preferring portraits and genre scenes. His “Ambassadors” is a picture showing two people frozen at a table littered with
Description of the painting by Hans Holbein “Henry 8”
Hans Holbein paid much attention to the transfer of plastic properties of objects, the formation of light. He was attracted to materials that were made from the things he portrayed. He very skillfully conveyed