Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Friendship”

Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso Friendship

In 1908, the famous artist Pablo Picasso created the painting “Friendship”. At this time, such a style of art as abstract cubism was formed, which is often called “Sezannovsky” cubism.

This style is characterized by the image of solid objects laid out in small elements, which can be traced in the works of Picasso, in particular, when depicting figures in the picture “Friendship”. Their artist presented us a little rough, simple, but clearly stand out against a darkened background.

The famous canvas “Friendship” opens to the viewer an unusual composition – two figures of naked women. The tones that the master brush applied are very warm, it seems as if they retain the smell of the earth. The saturation of the color, as well as the color palette (shades of brown, dark green and golden) only emphasize that the picture can be attributed to the “African period”.


figures of women are a little huge, it seems that they are made of wooden parts. They are, of course, angular, but still sculptural. Picasso’s female figures are the art of many nations. They are as natural as the entire planet Earth, without any new products of civilization.

All forms of the female body are built of geometric shapes, underlined by shadows, because this is typical of cubism. And on the Picasso “Friendship” the composition is contrastingly constructed and the rhythm of shapes, colors and lines is felt.

When viewing a picture, the viewer’s gaze moves from the top corner, which is dark, to lighter shades.

The solution to this work of art is fairly generalized. The facial features are so simplified that they resemble masks for rituals in the form of signs and depict some kind of detachment. It must be said that Picasso does not imitate the appearance of sculptures of black women, but makes a leap towards “conceptual” art.

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Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Friendship”