Description paintings by Natalia Goncharova “Peacock under the bright sun”

Description paintings by Natalia Goncharova Peacock under the bright sun

Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova, as is known, is a relative of Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova, the wife of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. A talented artist studied at the Moscow School of Art and Painting, Architecture and Sculpture.

Being formed in the creative direction under the influence of Trubetskoy, Korovin, Volnkhina and Larionov, whom she later married, Natalia Sergeyevna participated in many popular exhibitions, such as the famous “Jack of Diamonds” or “World of Art”.

Since 1915, Goncharova worked with her husband on the design of Parisian performances, including Dyagilev’s Golden Cockerel, which was gaining rapid popularity at that time. Traveling a lot around the world, Natalia Goncharova finally declared herself as the largest Russian avant-gardist, and also marked the beginning of the development of neo-primitivism.

The painting “Peacock under the bright

sun” refers to a series of canvases of the same name “Peacocks”. When writing this series, Goncharova was strongly inspired by Luchism – one of the directions of avant-gardism (otherwise, regionalism).

Primitivistic language of artistic writing Goncharova has a special charm: bright exotic birds form a certain kind of sign in the composition, which is highly expressive. The elegance of this colorful bird is shown in the proud profile. Goncharova combined the motifs of Russian folk art and ancient Greek painting in this canvas.

The peacock’s tail, fronted by a lush fan, is attracted attention by its brightness, color saturation. The inner, barely perceptible glow of the colors of the picture resembles the overflowing of precious stones into the sun. The color palette is depicted in the picture, and the abstract composition itself is somewhat similar to the form of the artist’s palette. The magnificent peacock, created by Natalia Goncharova, symbolizes the pristine beauty of nature and the immortality of this nature.

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Description paintings by Natalia Goncharova “Peacock under the bright sun”